YDSC Committee

At Yeovil & District Swimming Club we are very fortunate to have an amazing bunch of volunteers/parents that make up the Committee. They meet up regularly during the year – usually about every four to six weeks.

The current executive committee structure consists of three executive officers; being the Chairman, Club Secretary and Treasurer. In addition, there are other role-based positions on the committee to represent the key functions and operations of the club.

If you have any issues you would like raised at a committee meeting please see a member at the pool or contact us via email.

The club is always on the lookout for new volunteers so if you have some spare time or would like to get involved please contact us: [email protected]

The YDSC committee is made up of the following people:

President – Sharon Card:

Sharon has the honour of being the YDSC President and is our figurehead both within and outside the club. Sharon is also a Level 1 coach who coaches with the Skills Squad. She is a mum of two and both sons are part of YDSC. One of her sons, Ben, coaches the Potential Squad and the other son swims with the club.

Chairman – Andy Margrett

Andy has been involved in the club since 2022 when his daughter began swimming with the club. Prior to becoming Chair he was a member of the committee and this season he will also be supporting as a Team Manager. Away from swimming Andy is a HR Manager and has previous committee experience as a school governor and Board Member of local Medical Services Charity.   

Secretary – Judi Swan

Judi became a swimming mum when her daughter joined the club in 2018. In early 2019 became assistant secretary, officially becoming club secretary in September of that year. When not busy at her day job as an early years teacher, she keeps the communications going between the committee, coaches and swimmers or officiates at swim meets as a J2S official.

Treasurer – Shirley Gubb

Shirley has been involved in club swimming for around 6 years. Lavinia has been swimming forever and joined her first club at just 6 years old. As her main taxi driver, motivational speaker and cook, Shirley realised early on getting involved was the only way to survive those endless hours sat in the car! She has covered most roles from membership, meet organising and treasury and hopes her experience will bring lots to YDSC. She looks forward to helping the club grow.

Membership – Sam Angell

Sam is married to Head Coach, Ian and wanted to become more involved in the club as Ian is so passionate about it. She took on the role of Membership Secretary in 2023 and has since become a Team Manager and has also completed the Level 1 Swimming Assistant (Teaching) course.  Sam is aiming to build on the Swimming Assistant role by helping out on a Sunday morning with the Mini Skills, and hopes eventually to progress to become a Level Two Swimming Teacher. 

Swim Mark – Abi Margrett

Abi became part of YDSC when her daughter joined the club in 2022. After settling in and finding her fins in the world of swimming she became more involved with the club and joined the committee in November 2023 taking on the Swim Mark role, which ensures that the club maintains its accreditation.  She has volunteered in various roles at numerous meets but you are now likely to see (or rather hear) her announcing at club meets. 

Competition Secretary – Lesley Parker

Lesley is a mum of 2 and her daughter Alyssa joined YDSC in October 2022. Lesley became part of fundraising in March 2023. She has volunteered at swim meets and in June 2024 she will become a trained Team Manager. She enjoys meeting people and is outgoing and friendly. Her son is a trained swim teacher and lifeguard, and is currently studying physiotherapy at the University of Plymouth.

Corporate Sponsorship – Mike Frost – bio to follow soon

Website & PR – Nicki King

Nicki first became involved in YDSC in May 2022 when her daughter, Rosie, joined the Junior Performance Squad. During her first year at the Club, Nicki volunteered as a helper at various swim meets and then decided to train as an official. Now qualified as a J2 official, she can regularly be found officiating on poolside.

Trophy Secretary – Scott Gubb

Scott, along with his wife Shirley (our Treasurer) has been on his swimming journey for nearly 6 years and completed his J1 training in June 23. He took on this role to support Lavinia as without parent volunteers the sport would be a lot harder and he really couldn’t sit at meets and not do anything! Choosing the medals for YDSC’s open meets will be lots of fun. 

Welfare – Leonie Cole

Leonie is the Club’s Welfare Officer who can be contacted if anyone has any concern about any child or adult who is connected with YDSC. Leonie lives in Yeovil and works as the Designated Safeguarding Lead at Sherborne Girls, so she is often on site at Oxley during the week, as well as when she brings her daughter, Rosa, to swim on a Sunday morning. 

Meet Manager – Ashley Tomkins

Swim Shop – Michelle Harries

OMS Registration – Alan Stallard

Fundraising – Lauren Holmes

Catering – Daniela Tomkins